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Project: Als het zwart is heb je nog 5 minuten

Partners: MvdB, Bert Jacobs, Petra Ponte

Disciplines: Graphic Design, DJ

Year: 2016

This is an exhibition with artists who don’t talk so much, but do all the more, who don’t describe to the dot but share energy to the full, who don’t serve theses but bring an explosion, and it smells sometimes like chocolate cake, sometimes like waffles, at again other times like pumpkins or ganja. Creative studio designed the catalogue.



8th of October - 5th of November 2016 @ W139




#vibration #weworkontheothersideoftime #andwealmostlost #cosmicsloppy 

#rawheat #andbeyond


The Package

Artscraper, Risktaker, Thrillseeker, Brainfeeder, Hosselaer, The Cook, The Coadjutant, The Guest, 

De Vooruitdenker, This one is the Healer, ikbenjoudiemijnadoet

— without ever defining themselves


Resonating side by side dancing with the gaze and the mind

Stakes is High     When you dealing with the Vibe     Vibration

Out of One, Many, Out of One

Urban Tribe


 Violent Supporters

Everything is organized — Everything is upside down

Conceptuitive Recyclazation Flow & Focus

Pure Dynamite


Play around with the creation process. rapidly traverse various stages

the material speaks, drips, breaks, tears, flakes off, warps — as if it wants to be broken

scribble scribble scribble, patchworking, inking, tearing, peeling, Kuchekacheka

a tornado of perceptions. a zephyr of disorientation

a tenuous equilibrium

a clash

We have to eat the frame

Bring art to its knees




Farida Sedoc • Gareth Nyandoro • Em’kal Eyongakpa • Jabu Arnell • Bert Jacobs 

Tim Breukers • Tabe Hemmes • Quint Hartmann • Marcel van den Berg




Production by Andreas Tscholl and the W139 gang


Special thanks to Andreas T., Arda van T., Bas S., Bio Buitenwiet, Dan W., Fenje B. & Lil Weezy, Frans H., Ismael I., Kees R., 

Lee P., Najiba B., Petra P., Promethean, Sao Paolo Biënnale, Stephan K., Tom Tom Club and Vincent van V. 


Music by Sensiriti Sound & friends and Radical HiFi (Red Light Radio)

Sculptural Intervention by Arjen Lancel and Maaike Visser

Text by Petra Ponte and Vincent van Velsen


Photography by Chun-Han “Dawson” Chiang, Diederik Alessie, Jeffrey Croese, Marcel van den Berg, 

Mohammad Salemy, Olga Westrate, Petra Ponte, RaQuel van Haver & Sangiorgio Dallajee Blonk 


Graphic design by

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